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[1]. 2008-09 至 2013-02, 延世大学, 计量经济学, 博士

[2]. 2004-07 至 2007-04, 长春理工大学, 企业管理, 硕士

[3]. 1998-09 至 2002-07, 东北师范大学, 数学与应用数学, 学士


[1]. 2024-04 至今, www.bifa88.com-88bifa必发官网-bifa88, 经济学院, 副教授

[2]. 2019-07 至 2024-04, www.bifa88.com-88bifa必发官网-bifa88, 人文与社会科学学院, 副教授

[3]. 2014-04 至 2019-06, www.bifa88.com-88bifa必发官网-bifa88, 人文与社会科学学院, 讲师

[4]. 2013-05 至 2014-03,三星经济研究院,研究员 首席研究员

[5]. 2002-07 至 2008-08, 长春理工大学, 理学院, 讲师


[1]. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 71803009, 马尔科夫区制转换分位数回归模型研究, 2019-01-01 至 2021-12-31, 主持

[2].  教育部, 人文社科青年基金项目, 17YJC790057, 基于高维VAR分位数回归的系统性金融风险测度, 2017-08 至 2021-01,主持


[1]. Yunmi Kim, Huo Lijuan, and Kim Tae-Hwan, Dealing with Markov-switching parameters in quantile regression models. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 51(11), 6773-6791.2022.

[2]. Huo Lijuan, Cho Jinseo, Testing for the sandwich-form covariance matrix of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator, Test, 30, 2021, 293-317.

[3]. Huo Lijuan, Cho Jinseo, Sequentially Estimating the Approximate Conditional Mean Using Extreme Learning Machines, Entropy, 22. 2020, 1294.

[4]. Huo Lijuan, Kim Tae-Hwan, Kim Yunmi, Lee Dongjin, A residual-based test for autocorrelation in quantile regression models. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation.12,1-18 . 2016.

[5]. Huo Lijuan, Kim Tae-Hwan, and Kim Yunmi, Revisiting growth empirics based on IV panel quantile regression. Applied Economics, 47, 3859-3873.2015.

[6]. Huo Lijuan. The impact of FDI on economic growth: an empirical application of quantile regression for panel data. The Korean journal of Economics22-1,263-277. 2015. Special issue( www.kci.go.kr)

[7]. Huo Lijuan, Kim T.-H., and Kim Y. Revisiting the Effect of FDI on Economic Growth using Quantile Regression. The Korea Association of Trade and Industry Studies, 20-3,33-55. 2015.(www.kci.go.kr)

[8]. Huo Lijuan,Tae-Hwan Kim ,Yunmi Kim,Robust estimation of covariance and its application to portfolio optimization,Finance Research Letters,2012,9121-134.

[9]. 霍丽娟 ; Statistical and Economic Analysis Using Quantile Regression, www.bifa88.com-88bifa必发官网-bifa88出版社, 2019