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郑昕,现就职于www.bifa88.com-88bifa必发官网-bifa88经济学院,预聘助理教授/特别副研究员;中国人民大学财政金融学院经济学学士(专业: 金融学,毕业平均分:优秀), 澳大利亚悉尼大学The University of Sydney经济学硕士和经济学博士(专业: 金融经济学和计量经济学,博士论文成绩:优秀);清华大学五道口金融学院应用经济学博士后(出站考核:优秀);研究方向为宏观金融、金融计量和绿色金融。









[1] Hsiao, Y., Jin, T., Kwok, S., Wang, X., Zheng, X.(通讯作者)(2023). Entrepreneurial risk shocks and financial acceleration asymmetry in a two-country DSGE model. China Economic Review, 81, 102006.

SSCI Q1, JCR Economics Q1, ABCD A, Impact Factor: 6.8.


[2] Hsiao, C., Yang, R., Zheng, X., and Chiu, Y. (2023). Evaluations of policy contagion for new energy vehicle industry in China. Energy Policy, 173, 113402.

SSCI/SCI Q1, JCR Economics/Environmental Sciences/Energy & Fuels Q1, ABCD A, Impact Factor: 9.


[3] Jin, T., Kwok, S., Zheng, X.(通讯作者)(2022). Financial wealth, investment, and confidence in a DSGE model for China. International Review of Economics & Finance, 79 (C), 114-134.
SSCI Q1, JCR Business/Finance/Economics Q1, ABCD A, Impact Factor: 4.5.


[4] Jin, T., Zhang, C., Zheng, X.(通讯作者). Green Finance and Environmental Protection Heterogeneity in a Mixed Frequency E-DSGE Model. 2022世界计量经济学会亚洲年会 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society in East and Southeast Asia

[5] Jin, T., Zhang, C., Zheng, X.(通讯作者). Green Finance and ESG Uncertainty in an E-DSGE Model for China. 2022 Financial Economics Meeting: New Challenges Post-COVID-19 related to Monetary Policy, Capital flows, and Exchange Rate Frameworks

[6] Jin, T., Kwok, S., Zheng, X.(通讯作者). Stock Market, Sentiment, and Household Utility in a DSGE Framework. 2021世界计量经济学会亚洲年会 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society

[7] Jin, T., Zhang, C., Zheng, X.(通讯作者). Risk Shock and Financial Acceleration Asymmetry between SOEs and PEs. 2021中国经济的过去、现在与未来国际会议The 8th International Conference on The Chinese Economy: Past, Present and Future

[8] Jin, T., Kwok, S., Zheng, X.(通讯作者). Stock Wealth, Capital Allocation, and Sentiment in a Bayesian DSGE Model for Australia. 2021美国西南金融学会年会Southwestern Finance Association Annual Meeting

[9] Jin, T., Kwok, S., Zheng, X.(通讯作者). Household Wealth, Borrowing Capacity and Stock Market: a DSGE-VAR Approach. 2021中国金融学术年会China Financial Research Conference

[10] Jin, T., Kwok, S., Zheng, X.(通讯作者). Stock Market Conditions and Consumer Confidence in Euro-Asia. 2020国际计算经济学协会年会International Symposium in Computational Economics and Finance/60届意大利经济学协会年会Annual Conference of the Italian Economic Association

[11] Jin, T., Kwok, S., Zheng, X.(通讯作者). Financial Wealth Effect and Capital Reallocation Effect in a DSGE-VAR Framework. 2020美国国家经济研究局-国家自然科学基金贝叶斯计量经济学和统计学研讨会会议NBER-NSF Seminar in Bayesian Inference in Econometrics and Statistic

[12] Jin, T., Kwok, S., Zheng, X.(通讯作者). Bayesian VAR Models with Combination of DSGE Model Implied Prior and SSVS in Mean-IW Prior. 2020国际预测学年会International Symposium on Forecasting

[13] Jin, T., Wang, X., Zhang, C., Zheng, X.(通讯作者). Economic Climate, Exchange Rate, and Energy Market: A Time-Varying Perspective.

[14] Ding, D., Jin. T., Lian, W., Zheng, X. Housing Cycles and Current Account Dynamics in a Mixed Frequency Panel VAR Model.

[15] Ding, D., Jin. T., Lian, W., Zheng, X. Housing Market Booms and Current Account Deficits in a DSGE Framework.

[16] 郑昕、何晓贝、马骏、金涛,时变风险与中国宏观经济波动-基于中国的DSGE模型

[17] 何晓贝、郑昕,预测中国自然利率

[18] 郑昕、金涛,时变房地产行业风险与金融加速器-基于中国的动态随机一般均衡分析.

[19] 郑昕、金涛,中国自然利率与房地产价格波动-基于TVP-VAR-SV模型.

[20] Zheng, X.(通讯作者). 2015. Culture, Investment Behavior and Stock Market Volatility-A Markov Regime-Switching GJR-GARCH Approach. Global Review of Accounting and Finance, 6 (2), 56-81.

[21] Zheng, X.(通讯作者). 2015. Fertility Choice by the Couples: A Multinomial Model for Household Decision Making. Journal of Accounting, Finance and Economics, 5 (1), 24-45.

[22] Zheng, X.(通讯作者). 2015. Modelling Endogenous Growth under Trade Liberalization Regime: The Case of USA & China. International Review of Business Research Papers, 11 (2), 132-157.

[23] Zheng, X.(通讯作者). 2013. Oil Price Shocks, Macroeconomic Stability and Human Welfare in the Australian Economy. Human Welfare: An International Journal of Graduate Research, Special Issue: 'Well Defined? Interdisciplinary Understandings of Human Welfare, 2 (2), 108-129.

[24] Zheng, X.(通讯作者). 2013. Oil Crisis, Market Reforms and Human Welfare: An Econometric Analysis of the Australian Economy. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 9 (12), 1655-1670.

[25] Zheng, X.(通讯作者). 2012. The Transmission Mechanism from Australian Mining Stock Volatility to Australian Exchange Rate Volatility. Global Review of Accounting and Finance, 3 (2), 94-113.

[26] Zheng, X.(通讯作者). 2012. Empirical Analysis of Stock Return Distributions Impact upon Market Volatility: Experiences from Australian Securities Exchange. International Review of Business Research Papers, 8 (5), 156-175.

[27] Zheng, X.(通讯作者). 2012. The Determinants of Exchange Rate Regime and Impacts upon the Stability of Economy: Experiences from Australia. Journal of Accounting, Finance and Economics, 2 (1), 31-48.

[28] Zheng, X.(通讯作者). 2012. Oil Crisis, Market Reforms and Economic Growth: Evidence from Australia, 1970-2010. International Review of Business Research Papers, 8 (4), 177-194.

[29] Zheng, X.(通讯作者). 2012. Trade Liberalization and Economic Development: Experiences from Asymmetric Countries. Journal of Business and Policy Research, 7 (1), 193-212.


[1] 2023世界计量经济学会亚洲-中国年会(Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society in China), 中国清华大学

[2] 2023世界计量经济学会澳亚年会(Econometric Society Australasian Meeting), 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学University of New South Wales

[3] 2022世界计量经济学会亚洲年会(Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society in East and South-East Asia), 日本庆应义塾大学Keio University(线上)

[4] 2022 金融经济学会议(Financial Economics Meeting: New Challenges Post-COVID-19 related to Monetary Policy, Capital Flows, and Exchange Rate Frameworks), 法国昂热高等商学院ESSCA School of Management(线上)

[5] 2021世界计量经济学会亚洲年会(Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society), 马来西亚科廷大学Curtin University(线上)

[6] 2021美国西南金融学会年会Southwestern Finance Association Annual Meeting, 美国休斯顿大学清湖分校University of Houston - Clear Lake (线上)

[7] 2021中国金融学术年会China Financial Research Conference, 中国清华大学

[8] 第八届中国经济的过去、现在与未来国际会议International Conference on The Chinese Economy: Past, Present and Future, 中国清华大学

[9] 2020美国国家经济研究局-国家自然科学基金贝叶斯计量经济学和统计学研讨会会议NBER-NSF Seminar in Bayesian Inference in Econometrics and Statistic, 美国华盛顿大学-圣路易斯Washington University in St. Louis(线上)

[10] 第六届国际计算经济学协会年会International Symposium in Computational Economics and Finance, 法国英赛克高等商学院INSEEC School of Business & Economics(线上)

[11] 60届意大利经济学协会年会Annual Conference of the Italian Economic Association, 意大利都灵大学University of Torino(线上)

[12] 40届国际预测学年会International Symposium on Forecasting, 国际预测学协会International Association of Forecasting (线上)


[1] 主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目: 企业环保不确定性与绿色金融加速器效应:理论机制与实证分析

[2] 主持“春晖计划”合作科研项目: 绿色金融与中国宏观经济波动-基于混频环境动态随机一般均衡模型的分析(已结项)·

[3] 主持国际交流项目: Financial Accelerator and Housing Market Spillovers in a DSGE Framework (已结项)

[4] 主持学术交流项目: Financial Accelerator Asymmetry and Current Account Imbalance (已结项)

[5] 参与国家自然科学基金项目: 宏观经济与金融市场中的罕见事件及其影响:基于中国的研究 (已结项)

[6] 参与国家自然科学基金项目: 全球化背景下中国的经济增长、开放与改革研究 (已结项)

[7] 参与IMF项目: Understanding the External Sector Implications of Housing (已结项)

[8] 参与招商人寿项目: 利率预测模型与金融风险模型 (已结项)

[9] 参与清华大学五道口金融学院科研基金项目: 宏观经济与政策分析 (已结项)


[1] 2023www.bifa88.com-88bifa必发官网-bifa88管理与经济学院院长提名奖

[2] 澳大利亚悉尼大学经济系教学研究奖学金Postgraduate Teaching Fellowship

[3] 澳大利亚悉尼大学经济系计量经济学最优助教奖Deans Citation for Excellence in Econometrics and Economics Tutorials

[4] 澳大利亚悉尼大学国际留学生博士生全额奖学金University of Sydney International Scholarship(经济系排名第1)

[5] 澳大利亚悉尼大学University of Sydney Ian Hudson奖学金

[6] 澳大利亚悉尼大学University of Sydney Rosalie McCutcheon奖学金

[7] 澳大利亚悉尼大学University of Sydney Graeme de Graaff奖学金

[8] 澳大利亚第3届金融市场和公司治理会议-基金管理/衍生工具/风险管理/计量金融的学术演讲第3名Rank 3rd in the Division of Funds Management/Derivatives/Risk Management/Quantitative Finance in the 3rd Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference

[9] 澳大利亚世界商业协会国际商业研究会议最优论文奖World Business Institute Best Paper Award at International Business Research Conference

[10] 美国国家经济研究局、国家科学基金会和华盛顿大学-圣路易斯的贝叶斯预测在计量经济学和统计学中应用研讨会演讲旅行奖NBER-NSF Seminar on Bayesian Inference in Econometrics and Statistics Travel Grant

[11] 澳大利亚墨尔本大学贝叶斯分析与建模学术会议演讲旅行奖Melbourne University Bayesian Analysis and Modeling Research Group Travel Gran

[12] 美国加利福尼亚大学-河滨国际预测协会研讨会的演讲旅行奖International Symposium on Forecasting Travel Grant

[13] 美国加利福尼亚大学-尔湾高级计量经济学-贝叶斯模型对比会议演讲旅行奖Advances in Econometrics Conference on Bayesian Model Comparison Travel Grant

[14] 加拿大文化经济学协会、加拿大社会科学和人文研究委员会文化经济学会议的演讲旅行奖Cultural Economics Conference Travel Grant