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李浩,www.bifa88.com-88bifa必发官网-bifa88经济学院预聘副教授、特别研究员、博士生导师。在ES&T、Nature Energy, Nature Communications, Energy Economics、Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews等期刊发表论文30余篇,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、北京市社科基金青年项目中国博士后科学基金特别资助(站前)等6课题,相关成果得到国家发展改革委、工业和信息化部等国家政府、地方政府及相关企业采纳应用8份,获国家工业和信息化优秀研究成果一等(2022年度)和三等奖(2021年度)、北京市优秀毕业生等奖励荣誉。




地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街5号 www.bifa88.com-88bifa必发官网-bifa88管理与经济学院(100081)












[1] Zhaohua Wang, Hongzhi Zhang, Bo Wang*, Hao Li*, Junhua Ma, Bin Zhang, Chengxiang ZhugeYuli Shan*. Trade-Offs between Direct Emission Reduction and Intersectoral Additional Emissions: Evidence from the Electrification Transition in Chinas Transport Sector. Environmental Science & Technology, 202357, 31, 11389–11400.

[2] Zhaohua Wang, Hao Li*, Bin Zhang*, Bo Wang*Hao Li, Xin Tian, Jiang Lin & Wei FengUnequal residential heating burden caused by combined heat and power phase-out under climate goalsNature Energy, 2023, 8881–890.

[3] Zhaohua Wang, Bin Lu*, Bo Wang*Yueming (Lucy) Qiu*, Han Shi, Bin Zhang*Jingyun Li, Hao LiWenhui Zhao. Incentive based emergency demand response effectively reduces peak load during heatwave without harm to vulnerable groupsNature Communications, 2023, 14, 6202.

[4] Zhaohua Wang, Hongzhi Zhang, Hao Li*, Song Wang*, Zhenpo Wang. Identifying the key factors to China's unsustainable external circulation through the accounting of the flow of embodied energy and virtual water. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2023, 173: 113115.

[5] Zhaohua Wang, Shuxuan Wang, Hao Li*, Yang Lu, Bin Zhang, Hongzhi Zhang, Shuang Zhang. Synergistic effects of economic benefits, resource conservation and carbon mitigation of kitchen waste recycling from the perspective of carbon neutralityResources, Conservation & Recycling, 2023, 199, 107262.

[6] Hao LiXianmei Liu, Song Wang*, Zhaohua Wang*. Impacts of international trade on global inequality of energy and water use, Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 315: 115156

[7] Hao LiYuhuan Zhao*, et al. Identifying the driving forces of national and regional CO2 emissions in ChinaBased on temporal and spatial decomposition analysis models. Energy Economics, 2017, 68: 522-538

[8] Zhaohua Wang, Hongzhi Zhang, Hao Li*, et al. Economic impact and energy transformation of different effort-sharing schemes to pursue 2 ℃ warming limit in China, Applied Energy, 2022, 165: 112960

[9] Guanhua Ma, Junhua Ma, Hao Li*, Yiming Wang, Zhaohua Wang, Bin Zhang*. Customer behavior in purchasing energy-saving products: Big data analytics from online reviews of e-commerce, Energy Policy, 2022, 165: 112960

[10] Yuhuan Zhao, Qiaoling Shi*, Hao Li*, et al. Simulating the economic and environmental effects of integrated policies in energy-carbon-water nexus of China, Energy, 2021, 238: 121783

[11] Bin Zhang*, Niu Niu, Hao Li*, Zhaohua Wang, Weijun He. Could fast battery charging effectively mitigate range anxiety in electric vehicle usage? Evidence from large-scale data on travel and charging in Beijing, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2021, 95: 102840

[12] Hao LiYuhuan Zhao*, et al. Spatial-temporal characteristics and drivers of the regional residential CO2 emissions in China during 2000-2017. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 276: 124116.

[13] Hao Li, Yuhuan Zhao*, et al. Identifying sectoral energy-carbon-water nexus characteristics of China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 249: 119436.

[14] Hao LiYuhuan Zhao*, Jiang Lin*. A review of the energy–carbon–water nexus: Concepts, research focuses, mechanisms, and methodologies. WIREs Energy and Environment, 2019, 9(1): e358.

[15] Hao Li, Jiang Lin*, Yuhuan Zhao*. Identifying the driving factors of energy-water nexus in Beijing from both economy- and sector-wide perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 235: 1450-1464.

[16] Yuhuan Zhao, Hao Li*, et al. Scenario analysis of the carbon pricing policy in China's power sector through 2050: Based on an improved CGE model. Ecological Indicators, 2018, 85: 352

[17] 王兆华,王烁涵,李浩*,王淞. 碳达峰约束下中国工业隐含碳流动网络结构及演化. 管理评论,已录用

[18] 王灿,李浩*,张洪,杨帆,王兆华全球温控目标对我国氢能发展的影响评估技术经济,2023 422.

[19] 王兆华,邹朋宇,李浩*,等经济-能源-水耦合视角下黄河流域区域协同发展路径, 中国人口·资源与环境,2022328):10-20.

[20] 赵玉焕,李浩*,等京津冀CO2排放时空特性及影响因素研究资源科学, 201801:1-16.


[1] 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目,资源环境经济协同发展管理,2024.01-2028.12,主要参与人

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,碳中和背景下我国典型流域“经济-能源-水”耦合机制与政策调控研究,2022.01-2024.12,主持

[3] 北京市社科基金,“双碳”目标下北京市民用建筑节能降碳机制与路径研究,2024.01-2025.12主持

[4] 中国博士后科学基金特别资助(站前),温控1.5℃和2℃阈值情景下我国经济-能源-碳-水耦合机制与综合管理,2020.08-2022.08,主持

[5] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,基于经济-能源-水耦合视角的黄河流域工业绿色发展研究,2021.01-2022.08,主持

[6] www.bifa88.com-88bifa必发官网-bifa88高水平博士学位论文育苗基金,中国省域能源-碳-水系统的耦合机制、结构特性和协同治理,2019.10-2020.06,主持

[7] www.bifa88.com-88bifa必发官网-bifa88研究生科技创新活动专项计划项目,中国碳排放配额分配方式的经济环境影响研究,2018.01-2018.12,主持

[8] 国家自然科学基金专项项目,双碳目标下我国“资源-环境-经济”协同发展机制与实现路径研究,2022.1-2026.12,主要参与人

[9] 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目,实现2060“碳中和”的低成本减煤路径研究,2022.1-2025.12,主要参与人

[10] 国家重点研发计划课题,温控1.5℃和2℃阈值情景下我国碳排放和减碳社会经济代价评估研究,2016.6-2021.6,主要参与人

[11] 国家发展改革委,“双碳”目标下发电侧劳动力供需柔性配置策略研究,2022.06-2023.06,主要参与人

[12] 国家工业和信息化部, 工业重点领域碳达峰耦合机制研究,2022.06-2022.12,主要参与人

[13] 国家工业和信息化部,推动黄河流域工业绿色高质量发展研究,2020.03-2021.12,主要参与人

[14] 北京市丰台区发展改革委,丰台区实现“双碳”目标路径和产业发展机会研究,2022.08-2023.08,主要参与人