
首页 > 业界会讯 > 世界大学气候变化联盟研究生国际学术论坛通知



2019-07-23 来源:    浏览量(


  “应对全球气候变化这一人类共同挑战,一流大学要有一流担当。”    —— 清华大bifa88长 邱勇





Global Alliance of Universities on Climate

   2019年1月23日,清华大学在世界经济论坛2019年会上倡议发起世界大学气候变化联盟(Global Alliance of Universities on Climate,简称GAUC)。5月28—29日,联盟在清华大学正式成立,成员包括中国、英国、法国、美国、日本、印度、南非、澳大利亚、巴西等9个国家的12所高校,包括澳大利亚国立大学、伯克利加州大学、剑桥大学、帝国理工学院、伦敦政治经济学院、麻省理工学院、东京大学、清华大学、里约热内卢联邦大学、印度科学大学、巴黎政治大学、斯坦陵布什大学。

   On January 23, 2019, Tsinghua University initiated the Global Alliance of Universities on Climate (GAUC) at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum. From May 28th to 29th, the alliance was formally established at Tsinghua University and composed of 12 universities from 9 countries (China, Britain, France, the United States, Japan, India, South Africa, Australia and Brazil), including Australian National University, University of California, Berkeley, University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, London School of Economics and Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Tokyo, Tsinghua University, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Indian Institute of Science, Sciences Po, Stellenbosch University.



   Tsinghua university plans to launch the first interactive communication activity among graduates from the GAUC members in the forms of academic forum and related activities in November 2019.

   The theme of the event is Climate Change and Sustainable Development. Young scholars/graduates all over the world are invited to gather at Tsinghua University to jointly discuss significant topics concerning the survival and development of all mankind, making contributions to the improvement of climate change and construction of a community of shared future for mankind.





   The forum mainly consists of two parallel session and a round table, as well as Top Talk and achievements exhibition.  The chairman of this forum is Lord Nicholas Stern, a famous climate economist and a professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science.Forum is supported by the Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development of Tsinghua University.

分论坛1  零排放技术革命

Parallel Session 1: The Zero Emission Technical Revolution


Excessive emissions from human activities are one of the causes of climate change. With the advancement of science and technology and the continuous application of new energy and new materials, the era of zero emission is just around the corner. This parallel session focuses on the technological revolution of zero emission, promoting the construction of climate security with the progress of science and technology.

分论坛2  建设绿色未来:经济-社会-生态系统

Parallel Session 2: Building Green Future: Economic-Social-Ecological System


  Under the urgent need of responding to global climate change, the economic and social development mode and the energy system will undergo fundamental changes. Meanwhile, human society will also experience the transition from industrial civilization to ecological civilization. This parallel session focuses on how the economic-social-ecological system works in building up a green, development, and sustainable future picture; and under this new situation, how countries should do in developing a low-carbon economy, building green finance, formulating environmental policies, building eco-cities, promoting the legal construction and the understanding of ecological civilization.


国际青年代表圆桌会议  我们的地球,我们的未来

Round Table of International Youth Representatives Our Planet, Our Future


   In the process of promoting global sustainable development, young students are neither spectators nor are they merely participants. This forum will bring together students from universities around the world to discuss the role of young people in dealing with the world's climate issues. At the round table, Tsinghua University will also act as the initiator to propose all participating universities to make the “Our Planet, Our Future”: Global Youth Joint Declaration, calling on young students from all over the world to accumulate collective wisdom in prevailing the challenges of climate change, and embrace a greener, low-carbon and sustainable future.




   November 17-19, 2019


   Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 1 


   PhD and master students from GAUC member universities and other universities 


   Paper Submission


   Graduates and scholars intending to attend the forum must submit papers to the forum website by August 20.


   Topic & Type of Submission


We sincerely invite you to share and exchange the latest developments in theories and application related to climate change and sustainable developments. We look forward to your submission(s), especially in environmental engineering, environmental protection, energy dynamics, chemistry, computer science, law, sociology, economics, political science, and interdisciplinary research.


   This forum accepts three types of submissions, namely 1) conference abstracts (1000-2000 words); 2) conference posters (abstract: 300-800 words); and 3) conference papers (no more than 10000 words)Once the conference paper is accepted, the author will be required to perform an oral presentation at the Forum. All submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.


   Timetable for Submission 


事项  Affair

日期  Date


Submission Deadline


August 20, 2019


Notification of Review Results


September 20, 2019


Final Submission Deadline


October 5, 2019


Registration Deadline


October 5, 2019


   Register & Support



   The Forum does not charge any registration fee.

   We will offer scholarship to excellent reporters and authors. Scholarships can only be used for travel, accommodation and meals expenses in the forum.

   论坛接收的会议论文将被推荐到清华大学学报Journal of Tsinghua University(EI)或环境科学与工程前沿Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering(SCI);接收的摘要或海报作者也将被推荐到这两个期刊,在投稿全文时得到优先评审。

   Accepted conference paper will be recommended to Journal of Tsinghua University (EI) or Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering (SCI) (10-20 pages, preferably 12 pages). Authors who submit abstracts or posters will have the opportunity to be recommended to both journals and awarded a faster review process once they complete the whole paper.





   If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us through this email address: yjsbgw@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn



来源:清华大学研究生教育微信公众号  编辑:Jia Xiaofei


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