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2018-11-22 来源:    浏览量(











Time: 9:00, 24th Nov. 2018

Venue: Multi-Functional Conference Room of Library, Peiyang Campus, Tianjin University

No registration fee, looking forward to your attendance!





In order to study and understand the up-to-date knowledge and methods of doctoral graduate education in international universities, and build an international education platform which is in accordance with China’s national strategies, Tianjin University will hold a Graduate Education Reform Summit from 23rd-25th of November, 2018.

The purpose of this summit is to invite the heads of education at internationally renowned universities and institutions both within and outside of China, to jointly communicate on supervisory system, training mode, quality assurance and international cooperation. The Summit will review the experience and methods that have been formed, discuss, reform and improve a high standard of training talented doctoral graduates. It is planned that suggestions for the international education reform of doctoral graduate students in China will be proposed.

This meeting will be open to the public and simultaneous interpretation will be provided. All teachers and students are welcome to attend.



Ellen Zechner

Ellen L. Zechner has been the Austrian Science Fund’s Vice-President for Biology and Medicine since September 2016.

From 2011 to 2016, she served as a member of the Austrian Science Fund Board. As a molecular biologist, she conducts research on bacterial communication and host interactions in infection biology at the Institute of Molecular Biosciences at the University of Graz.

Zechner has had an international research career, including work at Harvard University, Rockefeller University and the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin. Before her appointment to the Vice-Presidency of the Austrian Science Fund she served as Vice-Dean of the Natural Sciences Faculty at the University of Graz and as Director of the Doctoral School in Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology.

Roland Wester


Studied Physics at the Universities of Innsbruck and Heidelberg. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Heidelberg in 1999 for Coulomb explosion imaging experiments of molecular ions. As Feodor Lynen Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and Emmy Noether Fellow of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft he then worked for two years at the University of California in Berkeley on femtosecond spectroscopy of molecular and cluster ions. From 2003 to 2010 he carried out research on ultracold molecules and cold molecular ions at the University of Freiburg, and developed the method of crossed beam imaging for ion-molecule reactions. Being offered professor positions in Stockholm and Innsbruck, in 2010 Roland Wester accepted a position as full professor at the University of Innsbruck. In 2012 he became head of the institute for ion physics and applied physics until 2017, when he was appointed dean of the faculty for mathematics, computer science and physics.

The main field of research of Roland Wester and his experimental physics group is the study of interactions and reaction dynamics of cold molecules and molecular ions, and the spectroscopic investigation of cold molecular ions. The work focuses on several key topics, reactions of importance in organic chemistry, in particular nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions, important astrochemical pathways for the formation and destruction of interstellar molecular ions, and quantum mechanical effects in cold ion-neutral collisions. Besides the crossed-beam imaging technique the group works on improving cryogenic ion trapping and is developing methods for far-infrared and terahertz spectroscopy of cold ions. Roland Wester has received the 2009 Gustav Hertz Award of the German Physical Society, he has received an ERC Starting Grant in 2011, has been appointed member of the Young Academy of the Austrian Academy of Science in 2013, and has been elected fellow of the American Physical Society in 2017.

From 2013 to 2018 Roland Wester has been chairman of the Board of the European Group on Atomic Systems (EGAS), part of the European Physical Society. Since 2015 he is speaker of the Doctoral Programme Atoms, Light, and Molecules, which is funded funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF and supports a total of 26 PhD students in 13 research groups across the four physics institutes at the University of Innsbruck. Roland Wester has coauthored more than 140 scientific articles up to now (h-ISI 33, 4k citations).

JIA Hongjie



Professor and Ph.D supervisor of Electric Power System and Automation, School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University. He is currently the Associate Dean of Graduate School of Tianjin University. 

He won the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2016, won the second prize of the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award twice, second prize of State Technological Invention Award once, and provincial and ministerial scientific and technological awards several times. 

Since took the position of the associate dean of Graduate School, he has pushed forward the comprehensive reform of doctoral education and vigorously promoted the construction of “double first class” of Tianjin University.

Li Aidong



Ai-Dong Li is a professor and vice-dean in College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Nanjing University. 

She received a B. S. degree in chemical engineering from Zhejiang University in 1988, a M. S. degree in chemistry from Harbin Institute of Technology in 1993, and a Ph. D. degree in physics from Nanjing University in 1997. She joined the Materials Science and Engineering Department of Nanjing University in 1996. She was ever a visiting scholar in Nanoscience and Engineering Center, University of California at Berkeley from 2005 to 2006, and in Energy Systems Division of Argonne National Laboratory in 2015. 

Her main research interests concern experimental techniques of atomic layer deposition and wet chemical method to prepare functional films such as dielectric/ferroelectric films, and poled polymer/hybrid films for microelectronic and optoelectronic applications. 

She was awarded as second-class prize of National Natural Science of China in 2005. She is the author and co-author of over 200 peer-reviewed journal papers and obtains 20 China Patents. She has published 2 books and 3 book chapters.

Robin Garrell


Has been the Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate Division at the University of California, Los Angeles since 2011. The Graduate Division serves nearly 10,000 students and 1000 postdoctoral scholars in more than 100 graduate academic and professional degree programs. Garrell is also the institutional leader of the UCLA Center for Innovation in Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL).

As the principal investigator on National Science Foundation IGERT and AGEP grants, she has advanced diversity in STEM doctoral programs, developed innovative technology tools to support student success, and expanded professional and career development opportunities to prepare graduate students and postdoctoral scholars for diverse careers.  She is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and chairs its Committee on Opportunities in Science, and is also a member of the GRE Governing Board and chairs the TOEFL Board. In 2017, she was elected to the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Senior College and University Commission (WASC). She previously served as President of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy and chaired the UCLA Academic Senate and UCLA College Faculty Executive Committee.

Recognitions include the Benedetti-Pichler Award from the American Microchemical Society, Iota Sigma Pi Agnes Fay Morgan Award, UCLA Distinguished Teaching Award, UCLA Gold Shield Faculty Prize and NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award. Garrell was the first female Chemistry professor at the University of Pittsburgh prior to her appointment at UCLA in 1991.

She holds a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from Cornell University and M.S. and Ph.D. in Macromolecular Science and Engineering from the University of Michigan.  Her research focuses on fundamentals and applications of droplet microfluidics.

Brian P. Coppola

Studies and recommendations about graduate education have appeared regularly for over 20 years. Recommendations for improvement usually focus on changes in process and procedure (the reform mindset), overlooking the vital role that the departmental culture plays in how these plans are implemented.

We report here an improvement in the collective indices in the graduate education program in the department of chemistry at the University of Michigan: our average time to degree is now the lowest of any chemistry department in the United States (average: 4.7-4.9 years), and our yield of PhD recipients is the highest (average: 82-84%). We do not think that a list of practices (the reform mindset) is solely responsible for these changes. Instead, we think that we evolved a culture that increasingly put the best educational interests of graduate students first, and that an open and strong communal agreement among the entire faculty about this ideal drove the way practices were changed, developed, and implemented.

Reed Dasenbrock

Educated at McGill, Oxford, and Johns Hopkins, Reed Dasenbrock is a noted scholar of English and comparative literature who has written or edited 8 books and over 100 articles and book chapters.  

He has served as the Chief Academic Office of two research universities, the University of New Mexico and the University of Hawaii at Manoa, in addition to serving as the Cabinet Secretary (equivalent to Minister) of Higher Education for the State of New Mexico.  Currently, in addition to being a faculty member at the University of Hawaii and working as a international consultant, he is the Chair of the WSCUC Commission, the accrediting commission for California, Hawaii and the Pacific.

Jay Siegel

Received his Ph. D. from Princeton (1985), was a Swiss Universities Fellow at ETH Zurich (1983-4), and NSF-CNRS postdoctoral fellow at the University of Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg (1985-6). He began as Assistant Professor of Chemistry (1986) at UCSD, was promoted to Associate Professor (1992) and Full Professor (1996). In 2003, he was appointed as Professor and co- director of the Organic chemistry institute of the University of Zurich (UZH) and Director of its laboratory for process chemistry research (LPF). He served as Dean of Studies and Head of the Research Council for the Faculty of Sciences at UZH. He moved to Tianjin University in 2013 and joined the Schools of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences into a new Health Science Platform. 

He was Qianren Scholar (2013-15) and recipient of the Chinese National Friendship Medal (2015). He was named one of the 40 most influential foreign experts in China's 40 years of opening (2018). Prof. Siegel was a US-NSF Presidential Young Investigator (1988), an American Cancer Society Jr. Fellow (1990), an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow (1992), and an Arthur C. Cope Scholar by the ACS (1998). He was elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (1998), fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (2007) and fellow of the American Chemical Society (2018), and Alexander von Humboldt Research Award fellow (2018). He was visiting professor at Princeton, Caltech, University of Basel, the Weizmann Institute and Tokyo Institute of Technology. He has served on numerous society, foundation and journal advisory boards often as president. He has run grant panels and award programs for the US-NSF, EU-ERC, ARES and IUF- France, KAUST-Saudi Arabia, RGC-Hong Kong, FWF-Austria, and SNF-Switzerland. 

His research focuses on molecular design & synthesis, specializing in structural chemistry and stereochemistry of supramolecular architectures. (H-index 60; cit. 12 K – Google scholar // H-index 52; cit. 10 K – ISI).


(来源:研究生培养微信公众号   编辑:Jia Xiaofei)




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